目前分類:美國醫療器材 (57)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

1. 新增2014/5/13 Ophthalmic Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee會議通知、2014/5/6-7Circulatory System Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee會議通知。

2. Premarket Approval (PMA) Summary Review Memos for 180-Day Design Changes:新增P950022/S085 Optisure High Voltage Lead Family


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1. Automatic Class III Designation (De Novo)新增K080644 AirPurge System

2. 為了符合Unique Device Identification (UDI)要求,公告停止發行National Health Related Items Code (NHRIC) and National Drug Code (NDC) labeler codes給醫療器材廠商。


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1. 新增2014/3/26-27 Molecular and Clinical Genetics Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting的摘要。

2. 新增P130015[Elecsys® HBeAg Immunoassay and Elecsys® PreciControl HBeAg](HBeAg免疫系統)-使用者資訊及產品摘要資訊。


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1. 公告Medical Device Recall, FY2003-FY2012

2. 公告草案指引(Draft Guidance)Premarket Notification [510(k)] Submissions for Bipolar Electrosurgical Vessel Sealers for General SurgeryPremarket Assessment of Pediatric Medical Devices - Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration StaffMedical Device Tracking - Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff


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1. 新增2014/2/20 Anesthesiology and Respiratory Therapy Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting記錄抄本、2014/2/21 Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting記錄抄本、2014/3/12 Microbiology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting摘要記錄、2014/3/14 Ophthalmic Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting摘要記錄、2014/3/20 Gastroenterology and Urology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting文字記錄。

2. 公告草案指引(Draft Guidance)Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE): Questions and Answers - Draft Guidance for HDE Holders, Institutional Review Boards, Clinical Investigators, and Food and Drug Administration Staff


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1. 新增2014/3/12 Microbiology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting文字記錄、2014/3/14 Ophthalmic Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting文字記錄。

2. 公眾諮詢會議:2014/4/1舉行[Advancing Regulatory Science for High Throughput Sequencing Devices for Microbial Identification and Detection of Antimicrobial Resistance Markers],公開討論臨床和公共健康應用及這些產品的效能確效,以建立法規上可參考資料的準確度及標準。


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1. 新增2014/2/20 Anesthesiology and Respiratory Therapy Devices Panel Meeting的摘要。

2. 新增P120005/S002[Dexcom G4 PLATINUM (Pediatric) Continuous Glucose Monitoring System](持續血糖監測系統)-使用者資訊及產品摘要資訊。


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1. 公告指引(Guidance)Requests for Feedback on Medical Device Submissions: The Pre-Submission Program and Meetings with Food and Drug Administration Staff - Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff

2. 消費者資訊公告[大眾場所置放自動體外心臟去顫器(Automated External DefibrillatorAED)之相關事項][病患升降機(Patient Lifts)之安全指引]


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1. 公告20141月份510(k) Final Decisions

2. 公告指引(Guidance)Annual Reports for Approved Premarket Approval Applications (PMA) - Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff


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1. CDRHLearn新增「GUDID Account Set-up」說明。

2. Automatic Class III Designation (De Novo)新增K124067 VITEK®MS


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1. 消費者資訊公告[針具安全丟棄的學習指南免費印刷版]

2. Automatic Class III Designation (De Novo)新增K130313 CytoScan® Dx AssayK102873Symphony Device (Models 09-0002-01, 09-0003-01, and 09-0004-01)


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1. 公眾諮詢會議:2014/3/12 討論由美國羅氏分子診斷公司(Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.)提出cobas HPV檢測新適應症的上市前許可。

2. 公告第二等級特殊控管指引[John Cunningham Virus Serological Reagents]


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1. 公告指引草案(Draft Guidance)Reporting of Computational Modeling Studies in Medical Device Submissions

2. 公告[Custom Device Exemption]指引草案(Draft Guidance),收集公眾意見,以電子或書面意見提交關於該草案的建議,截止日期:2014/3/17


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1. 更新510(k) Submission Process說明,包括Log-in and Acknowledgement ProcessAcceptance ReviewSubstantive Review510(k) Decision LetterTimeline of Communication with 510(k) Applicants

2. 公告兩份指引草案(Draft Guidance)Blood Glucose Monitoring Test Systems for Prescription Point-of-Care UseSelf-Monitoring Blood Glucose Test Systems for Over-the-Counter Use


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1. CDRHLearn新增「Unique Device Identification (UDI) System」說明。

2. 公眾諮詢會議:2014/2/14討論Visian Toric Implantable Collamer Lens (TICL) (sponsored by STAAR Surgical Company)的上市許可(premarket approval application).


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1. 新增Design Considerations for Pivotal Clinical Investigations for Medical Devices影像記錄及文字說明。

2. 2012/7/9美國國會授權FDA每年公告醫療器材經由重新分級的統計數據;重新分級醫療器材途徑為513(e) of the FD&C Act,申請人可經由此途徑提出足夠有效的科學證明來支持醫療器材可從原來的class Iclass II變為class II,或者從原來的class IIclass III變為class IFDA針對重新分級會公告預重新分級醫療器材之科學證明資料、召開醫療器材分級小組會議及收集各界相關意見,再來下定論;2013年並無任何重新分級記錄。


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U.S. FDA 週報 (2013/12/9-12/13)

1. 公告2013年11月份510(k) Final Decisions。


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1. 公告2013年八月份PMA Final Decisions。



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美國FDA 10月底公告2014年起將試行醫療器材單次稽核方案(Medical Device Single Audit Program , MDSAP), MDSAP主要是讓MDSAP所認可的稽核組織來執行醫療器材製造廠的單次稽核,以滿足參與MDSAP方案的醫療器材法規權責單位之相關要求。法規權責單位包括了澳洲、巴西、加拿大及美國將參與MDSAP方案,而日本為觀察員。這種全球性的方法,有助提高醫療器材的全球安全性和監督。

FDA將接受MDSAP的審查報告,作為FDA例行檢查的替代方案;MDSAP方案不會應用於PMA申請的任何檢查,且「特定原因」(For Cause)或「符合性追蹤」(Compliance Follow-up)所做的檢查則不受此方案影響。在MDSAP國際聯盟法規權責委員會完成審查報告文件後,這些文件將會發布於網站(Medical Devices International Programs website)。


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美國FDA於八月初公告2014年對小型企業(Small Business)收費標準,公告內容與2013年無太大差異,僅針對收費標準做了修正,每項申請費用都提高不少。

Medical Device Fees for FY 2014


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