前幾週美國FDA公告最新2013年對小型企業審查收費標準,與2012年收費標準相比,果然提高不少費用,最高差額可達到七千美元,當然更不用說,不是小型企業收費金額了,以上市前審查(Premarket Approval, PMA)為例,就可達二萬八千美元差異,因此企業送件到美國FDA的審查費用是越來越高了,以下列出,美國FDA公告2013年收費標準,供大家參考


Medical Device Fees for FY 2013

Fees Relating to Medical Device Applications

Application Type

Standard Fee

Small Business

Premarket Application (PMA, BLA, PDP)



Premarket report (for a reprocessed single-use device)



Panel-track PMA supplement



BLA efficacy supplement



180-day PMA supplement



Real-time PMA supplement



510(k) premarket notification



30-day notice



513(g) request for classification information



Annual fee for periodic reporting on a class III device



Establishment Registration Fee — There is no reduced fee for a small business. If this is the only fee you expect to pay during FY 2013, you should not submit an FY 2013 Certification.

Type of Fee

Annual Fee

Establishment registration fee




美國食品藥物管理局 http://www.fda.gov/

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